Healthy Moms | Being A Healthy Mom

Question: I want to be a healthy mom. I've been reading about how important it is for moms to take care of themselves and be healthy mothers. I'm a mom of three children. My youngest child is almost 4 years old. When my youngest was born, I vowed to lose all my baby weight, however; I found it very difficult to make it to the gym and workout. I tried at home workouts but they were all very boring and did many of the same things. Recently, my husband and I decided to hold off on children for awhile. We may not have anymore. I have been wanting more and more to get my pre-pregnancy body back (or close too it). What can a busy mom like me do to get in shape? What supplements can I take to help me reach my goal?

Answer: Wow! How great is that! I always encourage moms to be healthy mom. So often mothers are quick to put themselves on the back burner. Their family is more important. But a healthy mom can be the greatest assets to a family. I'm glad you realize how important it is for you to focus on your health, well being, and confidence.

First, every mom can look hot and be healthy, but you may need to accept the fact that you may not look the same as you did before you started having children. I'm not saying it's impossible, but depending on your skin elasticity and the way your belly stretched, you may always have a very small pooch around the lower belly area. One that just will not go away, no matter how hard you work out. But I say again, it depends on your body type.

Part of being a mom (especially of small children) is being active. Moms are busy people and it may be hard to get to a gym. One thing to do, especially if you're a stay at home mom and and you are with the children for most of the day, is work out at home. It's cheaper and can be just as effective. There are several high energy and fun workouts available on DVD that you can do right from the comfort of your home, without needing a babysitter. I like P90X, Hip Hop Abs, and Zumba on DVD.

If you find it more effective to get to the gym (and some moms do), then choose a gym with a built in daycare. Many gyms will offer that as part of your membership package. If you have really small children, like babies and toddlers, look into a few workout classes made especially for moms. There are classes out there that will actually include your little one in the workout. It's effective and makes for great bonding time.

To be a healthy mom, you have to have a healthy diet. The best part about this is that you can get your whole family in on it. Mom is usually responsible for the grocery shopping and buying for the family. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your list and slip a few in your husband and kids' lunch box. :)

Recommended Supplements:

Calcium: Every woman needs calcium to help build strong bones.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is needed for the proper absorption of calcium. It has also been linked to preventing many other diseases and to weight loss.

Fish Oil: Fish oil supplements are a must for anyone. Fish oil aids in brain function and has been shown to support insulin levels. Stable insulin levels are a benefit to any health and weight loss program.

Multivitamins: Every mom should have a multivitamin. It helps your body function better including boosting your immune system so that you don't pass on yucky bacteria and viruses to your children. Multivitamins also help fight food cravings. It is not uncommon for a busy mom to not have the best diet. This is a way to give you what you need. When your body has the nutrients it needs, it will crave less.

B vitamin complex: B vitamins support the nervous system which aids is stress management and help to prevent some of the effects of stress on the body, including fat storage, especially around the belly. B vitamins also increase the metabolism.

Visit these sites for more information about being healthy and being a healthy mom. Tips and advice on fitness, health, budgets, organization, wealth and motivation. Mom to mom inspiration and suggestions. The best advice always comes from moms. Provides information on a broad range of issues facing families today, including good health and healthy eating.

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